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# Title Publish Date Attachments
1 Purchase Action Plan for the financial year 2024-25 29-07-2024
2 warning 18-07-2024
3 Notice of Quarterly Meeting of Committee on Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Abuse at Workplace 23-06-2024
4 Notice of meeting for the participation of stakeholders for the establishment of good governance 23-06-2024
5 Notice of Ethics Committee Meeting 23-06-2024
6 Regarding participation in the training workshop on the implementation of the National Sanitation Strategy Action Plan (2023-2024). 23-06-2024
7 Notice of meeting regarding improvement of work environment 19-06-2024
8 Regarding participation in TOT training 11-02-2024
9 Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting of the Committee on Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Abuse at Workplace 19-12-2023
10 Notice of Quarterly Meeting of Committee on Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Abuse at Workplace 18-12-2023
11 Notice of Meeting on Grievance Redressal Mechanism and GRS Software 30-11-2023
12 Minutes of meetings held with the participation of stakeholders for establishing good governance 30-11-2023
13 Smart Bangladesh Development Meeting Notice 30-11-2023
14 Minutes of the meeting held by the Ethics Committee 30-11-2023
15 Minutes of meeting on improvement of working environment (following hygiene rules/disposal of TO&E/sanitization 29-11-2023
16 Notice of Attendance in Purity Training 29-11-2023
17 Notice of Ethics Committee Meeting 28-11-2023
18 Notice of the meeting for the participation of stakeholders for the establishment of good governance 28-11-2023
19 Notice of meeting regarding improvement of work environment 28-11-2023
20 বার্ষিক ক্রয় পরিকল্পনা, রাজস্ব বাজেট 23-24 29-07-2023